Law Enforcement Student’s Name Institution Law Enforcement The evolution of the treatment which is experienced by the minority groups can be explained by looking at the strategic choices made by the law enforcement officers. These are the people who develop the law enforcement ideology under which law enforcement is seen as socially empowered forces and attitude including the history of racism and gender discrimination (Dempsey, & Forst, 2013). The views of the people are also shaped by how enforcement institutions deal with the women and minority groups and how those dealings have affected the law enforcement officers during different eras. It is believed that improvement has occurred...
Environment Dissertation Examples For Free Download
Community Prevention Program Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Introduction The susceptibility of the U.S. to exotic vector-borne diseases has been on the rise ever since the first reported case of the West-Nile Virus (WNV) in 1999. Technological, environmental, and sociologic factors are primarily responsible for the spread of vector-borne disease in the country and across the globe. These drivers include changing land use, expanded trade and travel, the growth of human populations, climate change, and urbanization (Petersen et al., 2016). The U.S. State of California has recorded increased levels of the WNV, St. Louis encephalitis virus (SLEV), Zika virus, plague activity, among...
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