The Impact of Airport Terminal Expansion on Customer Services as a Smart Airport: A Case Study of Incheon International Airport By Table of Figures TOC h z c "Figure" Figure 1: Sample Quota PAGEREF _Toc514663604 h 30Figure 2: Age Frequencies PAGEREF _Toc514663605 h 30Figure 3: Gender Frequencies PAGEREF _Toc514663606 h 31Figure 4: Purpose vs. Type of Visit PAGEREF _Toc514663607 h 31Figure 5: Travelling through Terminal 2 PAGEREF _Toc514663608 h 32Figure 6: Regression – Convenience Depending on Mobile Facility and Self-Check Ins PAGEREF _Toc514663609 h 32Figure 7: ANOVA for Convenience PAGEREF _Toc514663610 h 33Figure 8: Better Customer Service and Preference of Terminal 2 PAGEREF...
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