A Report on Solar Photovoltaic Energy

Renewable energy refers to the kind of energy whose source does not get depleted when used. This includes energy obtained from wind and solar power. On the other hand, non-renewable sources of energy constitute the particular energy whose source gets depleted once the energy is produced. Some of the sources of non-renewable energy include coal and fossils. It is economical for various energy organs within different parts of the world to supply energy from renewable sources to address the increasing energy demand that must have resulted from reduced energy being obtained from non-renewable sources that are at the threat of depletion. St. Eustatius Island is a Caribbean Island that is undergoing an...

Women Empowerment in Pakistan

Name: Professor: Institution: Date: Abstract Pakistan has been among the counties that rank the poorest in gender equality. The percentage of women that are educated and those that are in the workforce are still deficient. Additionally, the number of women in leadership in government agencies and the legislative body is lower than the recommended ratio. There is the need to promote women empowerment in the country. This paper addresses essential issues concerning women empowerment. It will define the role of international organization and assess the progress of the nation in implementing the recommendations. It will provide a brief history of the status of women in Pakistan. The paper also...

Wine Marketing

Wine Marketing 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Wine Events and Shows Events and shows are important strategies of marketing products in specific target markets. Research in this field has realized a significant growth in the recent past given the fact these marketing strategies influence the growth of the economy. Businesses use events and shows as a means of regeneration and economic development not only to raise market awareness but also for reposition or position destination. This tool of marketing a brand allows entrepreneurs to get insight into consumer behavior, buying trends, and competitors’ way of doing business (Huang, 2011). These occasions also facilitate interactions between businesses...

Which eating patterns are associated with a higher BMI in overweight and obesity adults seeking for treatment

A Study to establish which Eating Patterns are associated with a Higher BMI in Overweight and Obesity Adults Seeking for Treatment Name Institution Date Abstract Being overweight or obese presents significant nutritional problems in Indonesia. As a developing country, Indonesia faces a double burden of malnutrition. At one side, the traditional problem of malnutrition has not been resolved. On the other side, over nutrition or modern “mal”-nutrition has become a serious health issue, and is related to various non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as hypertension, stroke, diabetic mellitus, coronary heart disease and cancer. This study aims to establish the eating patterns that are associated...

What is the future of travel technology in the Middle East? How will the travel industry adapt and implement emerging technologies?

The travel industry in the Middle East has experienced tremendous growth in the recent decade. The growths experienced are attributed to the development of the technological innovations and inventions. Reviews of the study indicate that the Middle East is considered as one of the hubs of the tourism sector with visitors having a higher propensity to spend. The analysis illuminates that a significant part of the development is a by-product of the infusion of new technologies including artificial intelligence, virtual realities, and social media platforms amongst others. Given the growth of the internet and its roles in enhancing businesses, the Middle East has been a significant frontier in ensuring...

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Video Discussion 1

Business Studies Video Discussion 1 Chapter 1. A company's business model; in the video, Simon Sinek describes a business model as a way through which a company generates, captures and delivers value in different contexts such as economic, cultural and social perspective, and it can also be part of business strategy. Primarily business model can be used to refer to essential business features such as the target customers and other operational processes (Sinek, 2009). The idea of business model has been merged with accounting standards and is used in determining whether some assets should be measured in fair value or remunerated costs. Realized Strategy; this is the strategy that guides the firm...

The vigilance of competent ecclesiastical authority toward ecclesial movements

The Vigilance of Competent Ecclesiastical Authority toward Ecclesial Movements Chapter I: The vigilance of competent ecclesiastical authority toward associations of the faithful through the ages Abstract The first chapter examines the development of ecclesiastical vigilance toward associations of the faithful in their Church life. The purpose of this undertaking is to surgically lay the groundwork for how vigilance as exercised by effective and competent ecclesiastical authority has been juridically relevant through the ages. First, the chapter deals with developments up to 1917, beginning with the earliest appearance of ecclesiastical vigilance over associations, known historically as...

The rise of Artificial Intelligence in Hospitality industry and its effects on customer satisfaction.

The Rise of Artificial Intelligence in Hospitality Industry and Its Effects on Customer Satisfaction Student’s Name Institution Table of Contents TOC o "1-3" h z u 1.0 Introduction31.1 Research Purpose PAGEREF _Toc515786609 h 31.2 Research questions32.0 LITERATURE REVIEW42.1 The history of artificial intelligence42.1.1 What is artificial intelligence (AI)42.1.2 The evolution of artificial intelligence4 2.2 The need for artificial intelligence in the hospitality industry…………………………5 2.3 AI in the hospitality the millennial era compared to other generations………………….5 3.0 METHODOLOGY63.1 Research philosophy6 3.2 Data...

The Lived Experiences and Perspectives of Individuals Confined to a Wheelchair Regarding Their Experiences in the Hiring Process in an Attempt to Obtain Employment: A Phenomenology

The Perspectives of Individuals Confined to a Wheelchair Regarding Their Experiences in Obtaining Employment: A Phenomenology Study Dissertation Proposal (Research Methods) Name Institutional Affiliation CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODS Introduction The research methodology developed for this study will focus on assessing the experiences of Individuals Confined to a Wheelchair (ICW) when looking for full-time employment. Most of the ICW encounter multiple barriers and unwarranted biases, which will act as the foundation for gathering increased information on the subject (Dong et al., 2012). Consequently, given the different hindrances, the assessment will be based on conducting a qualitative...

The Impact of the Transparent Chocolate Supply

Introduction This research attempts to lighten the effect of a transparent chocolate supply chain on cocoa farmers in Nigeria. Little research has been conducted on the influence of a transparent supply chain on cocoa farmers, thereby calling for the researcher to choose an exploratory research design to accomplish the research objectives. The Epistemological Stance The research will rely on the epistemological stance of interpretivist paradigm in which the aim will be to place the analysis of the data in context. This paradigm is focused on understanding the topic the way it is from individuals’ subjective experiences (Lewis 2015, p. 474). It will apply meaning-oriented methodologies like...