Which eating patterns are associated with a higher BMI in overweight and obesity adults seeking for treatment
A Study to establish which Eating Patterns are associated with a Higher BMI in Overweight and Obesity Adults Seeking for Treatment
Being overweight or obese presents significant nutritional problems in Indonesia. As a developing country, Indonesia faces a double burden of malnutrition. At one side, the traditional problem of malnutrition has not been resolved. On the other side, over nutrition or modern “mal”-nutrition has become a serious health issue, and is related to various non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as hypertension, stroke, diabetic mellitus, coronary heart disease and cancer. This study aims to establish the eating patterns that are associated with higher BMI in adults seeking weight loss treatment. The study design is to follow a retrospective review of patients’ charts who visited the weight management clinic at Jakarta, Indonesia, during a selected period of 2 years. Selection of participants will be by systematic sampling, and from which data obtained will be used to; examine the relationship between obesity/overweight as a result of individual patterns of eating such as missing breakfast, late night eating, snacking, and eating out; determine and examine any existing connections between BMI and eating habits of the adults; and later make recommendations and issue advice to encourage the development of better eating habits based on the results and findings.
Keywords: eating patterns, Body Mass Index (BMI), breakfast skipping, snacking, obesity, overweight
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