Workforce scheduling model
Workforce Scheduling Model
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Chapter 4
Case Study and Model Formulation
This chapter focuses on a case study of a power plant experiencing workforce problems of operators taking excess overtime hours. The extra hours require the plant to incur extra expenditure and add to overall production costs lowering the profit margin of the plant, aside from generating problems during regular scheduling of shifts. The solution to this problem is to formulate a mathematical model to generate the optimal workforce scheduling plan to reduce the demand for the excess overtime hours. An optimal workforce scheduling plan reduces the pressure on workers and allows the plant to operate at maximum efficiency at the lowest cost without compromising on quality. Work at the power plant involves a lot of planned and unplanned maintenance operations that must be processed daily to ensure the smooth running of the facility. The maintenance management team has raised complaints that the current workforce is not sufficient to handle the daily workload including unplanned maintenance operations and hence there is the need for smooth shifts and more personnel during official working days.
The plant has five official working days from Sunday to Thursday, and any work is done outside this is billed as overtime. The demands for maintenance are extended to include weekends and holidays. The management has expressed concern about the excessive overtime hours that are being taken daily and on the weekend.…
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