The Effectiveness of Interpersonal Therapy in Treating Depression
Depression is one of the most common mood disorders on earth, but also one of the most serious. It associates feelings of sadness and hopelessness and is the leading course of suicides of all times (Symonds & Anderson, 2012). Early treatment of the condition requires early diagnosis and intervention through various methods developed by specialists. Dysthymia, on the other hand, is a form of depression that is much milder but persistent (Symonds & Anderson, 2012). It can go on over two years, slowly affecting an individual and feeding their loneliness and hopelessness. Interpersonal therapy is a form of conversational therapy that focuses on patterns in the relationships that people form (Markowitz & Weissman, 2012). It recognizes the effects of relationships on the possibility of someone having depression.
The Research Question
How effective is interpersonal therapy in the treatment of depression and dysthymia in adults?
Five hypotheses for a typical Quantitative Research Questions
Interpersonal therapy is effective in the treatment of depression and dysthymia
Interpersonal therapy is effective in the treatment of depression in adults
Interpersonal therapy (IT) is effective in the treatment of dysthymia in adults
IT is easier to use compared to other forms of therapy
IT is easy to use on adults as a form of treatment
The Research Problem
There is a need to evaluate interpersonal as a treatment option for depression and dysthymia. There are various treatment options for depression and dysthymia.…
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