The Impact of the Transparent Chocolate Supply
This research attempts to lighten the effect of a transparent chocolate supply chain on cocoa farmers in Nigeria. Little research has been conducted on the influence of a transparent supply chain on cocoa farmers, thereby calling for the researcher to choose an exploratory research design to accomplish the research objectives.
The Epistemological Stance
The research will rely on the epistemological stance of interpretivist paradigm in which the aim will be to place the analysis of the data in context. This paradigm is focused on understanding the topic the way it is from individuals’ subjective experiences (Lewis 2015, p. 474). It will apply meaning-oriented methodologies like participant observation and interviews that depend on a subjective connection between the researcher and the study subjects or participants. Thus, various theories and concepts that already exist are used to complete the iterative procedure between the data gathering and analysis.
Research Approach
The qualitative approach will be applied in understanding how cocoa farmers are affected by a transparent chocolate supply chain. The approach will help explore and find out issues of the problem to be studied because little information is known about the topic. The qualitative approach is relevant for this study because it will help the investigator comprehend participants and the sociocultural settings in which they coexist. It enables the disparities and complexities of research contexts and components like cocoa farmers being…
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