Kharsany and Karim (2016) carried out a systematic review looking into the epidemiology of HIV infections across sub-Saharan Africa covering the factors that promote high incidence and mortality rates. Moreover, it investigates the priorities for mitigating the progression of HIV to an epidemic. It considers the means of maximizing the usage of the already limited resources to achieve these objectives. These objectives were diverse making the discussion widely informative but poorly focused. Kharsany and Karim (2016) did little to describe their methods of selecting sources for their report; hence, it is impossible to note if they conducted the due diligence necessary to pick the right publications...
Design Dissertation Examples For Free Download
Most methods use 2D thermal images because they are easily obtainable. However, the proposed procedure for 3D model reconstruction in this paper can provide helpful support in making interpretation and evaluation of thermal data more automatic, faster and objective. Contrary to other methods, thermal imaging can work in environments without ambient light. It can penetrate obscurants like smoke, haze, and fog. The paper will address the challenge of 3D reconstruction from images of thermal infrared (TIR). It seeks to demonstrate that commercial computer vision software may be used to orient the sequence of TIR images from a drone and produce 3D point cloud without having to acquire any GNSS/IN...
Comparative Analysis of Louvain and K-Means Methods for Community Detection By Firstname LastnameUniversity Name Abstract Community detection in the graphs of complex real network systems is a significant area of data science research. A community or a cluster is one that has many edges joining the vertices included within the cluster while fewer edges joining with the vertices not included. The criteria for inclusion in a community is based on the data of the vertices and edges. A system’s data helps form communities of a system. These communities help the data analysts in getting a high-level view of the system’s constituents. Such a view is crucial for executing behavioral analysis,...
Proposal for the Improvement of Risk Indicator Management and Cost to Quantify Strong Building Design Proposal for the Improvement of Risk Indicator Management and Cost to Quantify Strong Building Design Risk Indicators are crucial tools in risk management and are utilized to augment monitoring and alleviation of risks and facilities risk reporting. Buildings that are subject to vertical (uplift) and horizontal (seismic) forces are bound by great risks especially in areas with frequent geographical phenomena like earthquakes, rock shifts, and tremors. Therefore, great emphasis should be placed on the improvements of risk indicator management and the costs that are allocated to the process. The...
The Perspectives of Individuals Confined to a Wheelchair Regarding Their Experiences in Obtaining Employment: A Phenomenology Study Dissertation Proposal (Research Methods) Name Institutional Affiliation CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODS Introduction The research methodology developed for this study will focus on assessing the experiences of Individuals Confined to a Wheelchair (ICW) when looking for full-time employment. Most of the ICW encounter multiple barriers and unwarranted biases, which will act as the foundation for gathering increased information on the subject (Dong et al., 2012). Consequently, given the different hindrances, the assessment will be based on conducting a qualitative...
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The Properties and Applications of Supercritical Carbon dioxide Abstract In chemical sciences, a supercritical fluid is defined as any substance for which the pressure and temperature conditions that are required to maintain its original molecular integrity are beyond critical levels. Supercritical fluids are popular both as solvents and as anti-solvent in processing polymers. Supercritical fluids play an important role in polymer modification, blending of polymers, particle production, in the formation of polymer composites. Moreover, different studies suggest that the qualities of polymers that are processed with SCF are significantly higher than the quality of their counterparts that are...
Introduction This research attempts to lighten the effect of a transparent chocolate supply chain on cocoa farmers in Nigeria. Little research has been conducted on the influence of a transparent supply chain on cocoa farmers, thereby calling for the researcher to choose an exploratory research design to accomplish the research objectives. The Epistemological Stance The research will rely on the epistemological stance of interpretivist paradigm in which the aim will be to place the analysis of the data in context. This paradigm is focused on understanding the topic the way it is from individuals’ subjective experiences (Lewis 2015, p. 474). It will apply meaning-oriented methodologies like...
The Impact and Contribution of Social Media on the Arab Uprising In the year 2011, the whole world stared and watched the events that were taking place in North Africa and the Middle East, and they felt inspired. Everyone marveled at the power that is digital technology, and the bravery and courage of the people who inspired the Arab spring. The events that took place at that time sparked the debate on what role social media and the new technology played (Associates, A. 2018). What research question(s) are you attempting to answer in your Thesis? Give as detailed an outline as possible at this stage, including any hypotheses you wish to test. This research paper will be trying to find out...
Effects of Teacher Absenteeism to Student Performance Student’s name University A Review of Literature This chapter reviews the literature related to teacher absenteeism and its correlation to student performance. The review begins with an overview of the teacher’s value in the classroom including subtopics such as indicators of teacher quality and how we determine teacher effectiveness. The review then focuses on the factors associated with teacher attendance, causes of teacher absenteeism and the effect of teacher absence on students, the classroom, and the school. The value of a teacher The national report titled A Nation at Risk, written in 1983, boldly declared that the United...
The Effectiveness of Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) Student’s Name: University Affiliation: Date: Abstract The following study aims at examining the efficiency of PECS training on the communicating conduct of learners with severe language disability in early years. Qualitative interview timetables will be carried out with partakers from both settings. The study will examine the efficacy of PECS for students with autism and its importance to their communication abilities. Qualitative interviews will be utilized to address the research interviews for the following reason. The participants will be currently employed teachers in an autism particular kindergarten and presently...