The effectiveness of Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS)

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The effectiveness of Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS)

Category: Communication

Subcategory: Design

Level: University

Pages: 22

Words: 6050

The Effectiveness of Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) Student’s Name: University Affiliation: Date: Abstract The following study aims at examining the efficiency of PECS training on the communicating conduct of learners with severe language disability in early years. Qualitative interview timetables will be carried out with partakers from both settings. The study will examine the efficacy of PECS for students with autism and its importance to their communication abilities. Qualitative interviews will be utilized to address the research interviews for the following reason. The participants will be currently employed teachers in an autism particular kindergarten and presently working staff members in a normal preschool, with autistic children attendance. The sample population will comprise of ten teachers. The participant’s age group will range from 23 years to 34 years of age. The experience of the population will vary from level six childcare qualifications to stage eight Bachelor degrees. The investigators will obtain written permission from the administration, and from the educator and assistant demanded in the study. Purposeful sampling will be utilized in choosing the participants in relation the rationale of the case study, which is to get insight into the awareness of teachers concerning PECS. Keywords: PECS, language disability, Training, communication, phenomenological study, Autism, changing criterion method, Qualitative interview, Students, teachers The effectiveness of Picture…

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