Kharsany and Karim (2016) carried out a systematic review looking into the epidemiology of HIV infections across sub-Saharan Africa covering the factors that promote high incidence and mortality rates. Moreover, it investigates the priorities for mitigating the progression of HIV to an epidemic. It considers the means of maximizing the usage of the already limited resources to achieve these objectives. These objectives were diverse making the discussion widely informative but poorly focused. Kharsany and Karim (2016) did little to describe their methods of selecting sources for their report; hence, it is impossible to note if they conducted the due diligence necessary to pick the right publications...
Art Dissertation Examples For Free Download
Wine Marketing 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Wine Events and Shows Events and shows are important strategies of marketing products in specific target markets. Research in this field has realized a significant growth in the recent past given the fact these marketing strategies influence the growth of the economy. Businesses use events and shows as a means of regeneration and economic development not only to raise market awareness but also for reposition or position destination. This tool of marketing a brand allows entrepreneurs to get insight into consumer behavior, buying trends, and competitors’ way of doing business (Huang, 2011). These occasions also facilitate interactions between businesses...
Business Studies Video Discussion 1 Chapter 1. A company's business model; in the video, Simon Sinek describes a business model as a way through which a company generates, captures and delivers value in different contexts such as economic, cultural and social perspective, and it can also be part of business strategy. Primarily business model can be used to refer to essential business features such as the target customers and other operational processes (Sinek, 2009). The idea of business model has been merged with accounting standards and is used in determining whether some assets should be measured in fair value or remunerated costs. Realized Strategy; this is the strategy that guides the firm...
The impactof organizational ambidexterity on performance of distributors in the telecommunication industry Technological innovations have graced the telecommunication industry, leading to emergence of products and services that satisfy fast evolving customer demands. Some are occurring gradually while some are spontaneous and disruptive. The result is flattening of the innovation S-Curve. The world is also witnessing concomitant changes in business strategies and models that have a resounding impact on the consumption of products. Due to the fluid nature of global mobile telecommunications technology, the players can only differentiate themselves by being innovative in order to remain competitive....
1. Overview of Asian Airport Industry Global airport industry has taken a long journey through development which is transforming the entire domain of national and international travel. With people taking trips from one part of the world to the other, countries are trying to accommodate these travel attempts to the maximum possible extent. According to Gitto & Mancuso (2012, 40), when it comes to air travel, airports play a crucial role in making the journey comfortable because they are responsible for the transit stay of travellers. In Asia, the airport industry has made incredibly impressive progress lately and compared to a few decades ago, the airports in Asian countries are now way more...
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THE AVANT-GARDE BRAND: COMME DES GARCONS Comme des Garcons is a Japanese fashion label that was founded by Rei Kawakubo in 1969. It is with no doubt that the fashion industry is one of the most lucrative sectors of every nation’s economy. Comme des Garcons has not only dominated the Japanese fashion and retail sector, but it has attracted the attention of players from the same industry all over the world. The global fashion industry is a multi-billion investment that the like of Kawakubo would not overlook. Comme des Garcons, commonly abbreviated as CDG, targets both mainstream customers all over the world and high-end clients who have a taste of the globe’s most luxurious fabric (Singer, 2018,...
Unbiased Hiring Process Cannot Be Resolved with Artificial Intelligence Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Unbiased Hiring Process Cannot Be Resolved with Artificial Intelligence Introduction The hiring process involves the interviewers hiring the highly qualified employee for a specific position in a company. As a result, not all applicants who apply for a particular position get to be hired. There exists a specific criterion that interviewers or a company use in hiring or selecting potential employees for a vacancy. The criterion can be subjective or objective. Subjective recruitment process involves personal feelings, opinions, and perspectives of the interviewer interfering with...
Ethnic Minority Group’s Participation in Rotterdam 1. Introduction1.1 BackgroundSimilar to other forms of active participation, recreation participation engrosses the engagement and exchange between and among individuals, groups, and families. Cultural participation usually involves the encounter with arts and heritage that culminate in healthy demeanor towards other people through increased individual confidence and capacity to work together. The main reason for cultural participation is socialization, which according to Jeannote (cited in Stanley, 2006) is highly linked to engagement in cultural activities. This participation can help to reduce the ethnic gap that often prevails among...
Name Instructor Course Date Personality Tests The Big Five Personality Test Openness The openness dimension provided a score that I would say truly defines who I am. An 81% score is based on the innate character that I possess. I am always open to new ideas, whether personal or initiated by other people. I often find myself creating imaginative pictures of situations or events and how I would have them take a perfect shape or an ideal form. I love art, I always find myself going to museums whenever an opportunity arises. I enjoy being in art conventions since I find pleasure in exploring other people’s creative ideas. Additionally, I don’t mind going out for a spontaneous hiking event...
Introduction Organizations engage in marketing to promote their products and attract large markets. A company that fails to conduct enough marketing does not live to the expectations of its owners. In the United States, marketing strategies continue to change each day due to changes in the society. The marketing mechanisms that made ancient companies great might not be applicable in today's scenario. In Marketing, communication with the targeted population holds the key to convince people about the product. Emotional branding enables marketers to build brands that appeal to customers through triggering emotional aspirations, state, and needs. Over time, the marketing strategy leads to an emotional...