The avant garde brand: comme des garcons
Comme des Garcons is a Japanese fashion label that was founded by Rei Kawakubo in 1969. It is with no doubt that the fashion industry is one of the most lucrative sectors of every nation’s economy. Comme des Garcons has not only dominated the Japanese fashion and retail sector, but it has attracted the attention of players from the same industry all over the world. The global fashion industry is a multi-billion investment that the like of Kawakubo would not overlook. Comme des Garcons, commonly abbreviated as CDG, targets both mainstream customers all over the world and high-end clients who have a taste of the globe’s most luxurious fabric (Singer, 2018, 1). Fashion is all about being trendy and classy, and Comme des Garcons has all this on their bucket list coupled with a uniqueness that surpasses other fashion labels across the globe.
The term, Comme des Garcons, when translated into English means “like the boys.” The fashion label is a renowned retailer of the avant-garde cloth line which urges designers to step out of their dressing comfort with the sole intention of promoting and advocating for creativity. CDG tends to intertwine the aspects of fashion, art, and commerce purposely to achieve global dominion as a prominent fashion label. For a while now, CDG has been a significant player in the fashion industry with emphasis on designing and producing a wide range of attire, accessories and even body fragrances (Singer, 2018, 1). The fashion is a legit and genuine…
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