The impact of organizational ambidexterity on performance of distributors in the telecommunication industry
The impactof organizational ambidexterity on performance of distributors in the telecommunication industry
Technological innovations have graced the telecommunication industry, leading to emergence of products and services that satisfy fast evolving customer demands. Some are occurring gradually while some are spontaneous and disruptive. The result is flattening of the innovation S-Curve. The world is also witnessing concomitant changes in business strategies and models that have a resounding impact on the consumption of products. Due to the fluid nature of global mobile telecommunications technology, the players can only differentiate themselves by being innovative in order to remain competitive. Several global mobile telecommunication giants have faded into oblivion because they underestimated the power of innovation by new entrants, e.g., Nokia and Blackberry. On the other hand, Apple, Google, and IBM have been receptive to change and proactive in innovation. Innovation not only influences the company and end consumers but also has an immense effect on other intermediaries in the value chain: Distributors and distribution channels are largely affected by it. Central to dynamic capabilities of enterprises is ambidexterity, which is the ability to strike the delicate balance of resource allocation between explorative and exploitative innovation. The present study explored the company and market-specific factors that influence the overall ambidexterity or its subcomponents such as exploitive and explorative innovation on…
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