The Impact of Airport Terminal Expansion on Customer Services as a smart airport
1. Overview of Asian Airport Industry
Global airport industry has taken a long journey through development which is transforming the entire domain of national and international travel. With people taking trips from one part of the world to the other, countries are trying to accommodate these travel attempts to the maximum possible extent. According to Gitto & Mancuso (2012, 40), when it comes to air travel, airports play a crucial role in making the journey comfortable because they are responsible for the transit stay of travellers. In Asia, the airport industry has made incredibly impressive progress lately and compared to a few decades ago, the airports in Asian countries are now way more developed and accommodating in nature (Starkie, 2008, 15). There is a wide variety of literature that covers the Asian airport industry and talks about how much progress it has made.
Clayton (2018), reported that with a rapid economic growth in the Asian region, the commercial sector is becoming more and more competitive by the day. In that context, the travelling sector of Asia has transformed to a full extent as well. Being one of the fastest growing regions in the world, Asia has a vast potential in attracting travelers from across the globe. It is something that makes the travel sector of the region inculcate growth even more. By 2020, it is forecasted that Asian economies will become the fastest growing economies that will influence the travel sector to an equal extent. With that into account, governments and policymakers in…
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