Women equality

Women Equality Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Women Equality Gender Equality is a state of acquiring equal ease in access to opportunities and resources regardless of gender. It includes decision-making and economic participation; as well as the condition of valuing various behaviors, needs equality and aspiration in spite of gender. Gender equality is also referred to as sexual equality. It is the equality that exists between both men and women. It involves the concept which states that all human beings have the freedom to make their choices and establish their abilities without any limitation that is set by strict gender role, stereotypes and prejudices. Basing on the issue of...

Why does the Public Education Can Help to Increase Breastfeeding Rates in the United States?

Abstract Breastfeeding among mothers in the United States is alarmingly low, despite the high rates of initiation. The low rate of breastfeeding among the mothers is despite the knowledge of health, financial and psychological benefits of breastfeeding to the mother, the child and their families (Brenner & Buescher, 2011). The indication is that the mothers who begin with the intention to breastfeed receive inadequate support and education that can facilitate their commitment to the process (Kellams & Sriraman, 2016). The outcome is the low rates of breastfeeding among the mothers in the United States. The thesis in the study, therefore, focuses on the benefits of public education towards...

The vigilance of competent ecclesiastical authority toward ecclesial movements

The Vigilance of Competent Ecclesiastical Authority toward Ecclesial Movements Chapter I: The vigilance of competent ecclesiastical authority toward associations of the faithful through the ages Abstract The first chapter examines the development of ecclesiastical vigilance toward associations of the faithful in their Church life. The purpose of this undertaking is to surgically lay the groundwork for how vigilance as exercised by effective and competent ecclesiastical authority has been juridically relevant through the ages. First, the chapter deals with developments up to 1917, beginning with the earliest appearance of ecclesiastical vigilance over associations, known historically as...

The rise of Artificial Intelligence in Hospitality industry and its effects on customer satisfaction.

The Rise of Artificial Intelligence in Hospitality Industry and Its Effects on Customer Satisfaction Student’s Name Institution Table of Contents TOC o "1-3" h z u 1.0 Introduction31.1 Research Purpose PAGEREF _Toc515786609 h 31.2 Research questions32.0 LITERATURE REVIEW42.1 The history of artificial intelligence42.1.1 What is artificial intelligence (AI)42.1.2 The evolution of artificial intelligence4 2.2 The need for artificial intelligence in the hospitality industry…………………………5 2.3 AI in the hospitality the millennial era compared to other generations………………….5 3.0 METHODOLOGY63.1 Research philosophy6 3.2 Data...

The relationship between self-confidence in the work place and socio-economic status

According to Vealey (Cited in Rabaz, Castuera, Arias, Echeverrίa, & Arroyo, 2014, p. 682), self-confidence refers to the beliefs and levels of a surety that individuals possess about the successful execution of a particular task. Unfortunately, there are no studies that have examined this aspect about socio-economic status in the workplace, but there is too much talk about how one’s socio-economic status influences an individual’s self-confidence especially when he or she is in a group of the elites. On a different note, there is an adequate focus on self-esteem, which stems from one's self-confidence. Thereby, this literature review strives to provide insight into the current scientific...

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The Lived Experiences and Perspectives of Individuals Confined to a Wheelchair Regarding Their Experiences in the Hiring Process in an Attempt to Obtain Employment: A Phenomenology

The Perspectives of Individuals Confined to a Wheelchair Regarding Their Experiences in Obtaining Employment: A Phenomenology Study Dissertation Proposal (Research Methods) Name Institutional Affiliation CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODS Introduction The research methodology developed for this study will focus on assessing the experiences of Individuals Confined to a Wheelchair (ICW) when looking for full-time employment. Most of the ICW encounter multiple barriers and unwarranted biases, which will act as the foundation for gathering increased information on the subject (Dong et al., 2012). Consequently, given the different hindrances, the assessment will be based on conducting a qualitative...

The impact of using Fryers model in Acquisition Mathematical concepts for primary students in Qatar

The Impact of Using Frayer’s Model in Acquisition Mathematical Concepts for Primary Students in Qatar Abstract In Qatar, the Ministry of Education seeks to restructure the country’s Mathematics curricula with the aim of making it compatible with the modern look of the curriculum, develop the understanding, the skills as well as trends corresponding with members of the Qatari society. However, there is a difference between the curriculum developers and teachers on the best to restructure the Mathematics curricula. The curriculum developers are interested in mathematical structure while the teachers are interested in mathematical knowledge which includes the acquisition of skills and...

The Impact of the Transparent Chocolate Supply

Introduction This research attempts to lighten the effect of a transparent chocolate supply chain on cocoa farmers in Nigeria. Little research has been conducted on the influence of a transparent supply chain on cocoa farmers, thereby calling for the researcher to choose an exploratory research design to accomplish the research objectives. The Epistemological Stance The research will rely on the epistemological stance of interpretivist paradigm in which the aim will be to place the analysis of the data in context. This paradigm is focused on understanding the topic the way it is from individuals’ subjective experiences (Lewis 2015, p. 474). It will apply meaning-oriented methodologies like...

The effectiveness of Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS)

The Effectiveness of Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) Student’s Name: University Affiliation: Date: Abstract The following study aims at examining the efficiency of PECS training on the communicating conduct of learners with severe language disability in early years. Qualitative interview timetables will be carried out with partakers from both settings. The study will examine the efficacy of PECS for students with autism and its importance to their communication abilities. Qualitative interviews will be utilized to address the research interviews for the following reason. The participants will be currently employed teachers in an autism particular kindergarten and presently...

The effect of teacher absenteeism on student performance

Effects of Teacher Absenteeism to Student Performance Student’s name University A Review of Literature This chapter reviews the literature related to teacher absenteeism and its correlation to student performance. The review begins with an overview of the teacher’s value in the classroom including subtopics such as indicators of teacher quality and how we determine teacher effectiveness. The review then focuses on the factors associated with teacher attendance, causes of teacher absenteeism and the effect of teacher absence on students, the classroom, and the school. The value of a teacher The national report titled A Nation at Risk, written in 1983, boldly declared that the United...