The relationship between self-confidence in the work place and socio-economic status
According to Vealey (Cited in Rabaz, Castuera, Arias, Echeverrίa, & Arroyo, 2014, p. 682), self-confidence refers to the beliefs and levels of a surety that individuals possess about the successful execution of a particular task. Unfortunately, there are no studies that have examined this aspect about socio-economic status in the workplace, but there is too much talk about how one’s socio-economic status influences an individual’s self-confidence especially when he or she is in a group of the elites. On a different note, there is an adequate focus on self-esteem, which stems from one's self-confidence. Thereby, this literature review strives to provide insight into the current scientific position on the relationship between self-confidence and socio-economic status by equating self-confidence to self-esteem. Even though the two are different, they have a direct relationship and self-esteem can act as a guide for the current study.
The Role of Motivation in Self-confidence
The synergy between self-confidence and socio-economic status can only prevail when one’s socio-economic status is the main motivating factor, and this is not always the case; hence, there will need to examine the role of moderating factors as discussed herein (Twenge & Campbell, 2002). Some individuals are from poor socio-economic backgrounds, for example, the blacks. However, their socio-economic status does not limit their abilities and the hope of rising above their deplorable situation as indicated by Bénabou and Tirole (2001).…
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