The impact of using Fryers model in Acquisition Mathematical concepts for primary students in Qatar
The Impact of Using Frayer’s Model in Acquisition Mathematical Concepts for Primary Students in Qatar
In Qatar, the Ministry of Education seeks to restructure the country’s Mathematics curricula with the aim of making it compatible with the modern look of the curriculum, develop the understanding, the skills as well as trends corresponding with members of the Qatari society. However, there is a difference between the curriculum developers and teachers on the best to restructure the Mathematics curricula. The curriculum developers are interested in mathematical structure while the teachers are interested in mathematical knowledge which includes the acquisition of skills and understanding of concepts to solve mathematical problems. Analysis of the results of the TIMMS exams which were recently issued by the State of Qatar reveals poor mathematical skills for the 4th and 8th grade. There is the poor acquisition of skills and understanding of mathematical concepts among primary students in Qatar. Based on a literature review, Frayer’s Model has been recommended as an effective approach in enabling students to acquire mathematical concepts. Frayer’s Model is distinguished by including a technique to analyze the concept into components, a technique to teach the concept and a technique to measure the acquisition of the concept. This paper, therefore, aimed to evaluate the impact of using Frayer’s Model in understanding and acquisition of mathematical concepts for 3rd-grade students in Qatar. Frayer’s Model…
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