Women Equality Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Women Equality Gender Equality is a state of acquiring equal ease in access to opportunities and resources regardless of gender. It includes decision-making and economic participation; as well as the condition of valuing various behaviors, needs equality and aspiration in spite of gender. Gender equality is also referred to as sexual equality. It is the equality that exists between both men and women. It involves the concept which states that all human beings have the freedom to make their choices and establish their abilities without any limitation that is set by strict gender role, stereotypes and prejudices. Basing on the issue of...
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According to Vealey (Cited in Rabaz, Castuera, Arias, Echeverrίa, & Arroyo, 2014, p. 682), self-confidence refers to the beliefs and levels of a surety that individuals possess about the successful execution of a particular task. Unfortunately, there are no studies that have examined this aspect about socio-economic status in the workplace, but there is too much talk about how one’s socio-economic status influences an individual’s self-confidence especially when he or she is in a group of the elites. On a different note, there is an adequate focus on self-esteem, which stems from one's self-confidence. Thereby, this literature review strives to provide insight into the current scientific...
Introduction This research attempts to lighten the effect of a transparent chocolate supply chain on cocoa farmers in Nigeria. Little research has been conducted on the influence of a transparent supply chain on cocoa farmers, thereby calling for the researcher to choose an exploratory research design to accomplish the research objectives. The Epistemological Stance The research will rely on the epistemological stance of interpretivist paradigm in which the aim will be to place the analysis of the data in context. This paradigm is focused on understanding the topic the way it is from individuals’ subjective experiences (Lewis 2015, p. 474). It will apply meaning-oriented methodologies like...
Abstract The research focuses on the cost of high education in relation to low-income students. The research will demonstrate that number of students in higher education institutions depends on the amount charged for the acquisition the education. When the price is high, the students with low income cannot afford to pay the price and hence low population in the higher learning institutions. On the other hand, when the cost of high education is low, many low-income students can afford the price and hence an increased number of students in the institutions. The research is important since it will also focus on the strategies that can be used to solve the low population resulting from the high cost...
Background of Social Activity and Effects on Depression in the Elderly: A Systemized Review of the Lived Experiences of Community-Dwelling Older Adults Studies indicate that cases of depression among the elderly have been on the rise in recent years. Depression is caused by isolation which in turn affects mental health adversely. However, social activity helps address the issue of isolation among the elderly. Social activities such as dancing increase one’s confidence to face problems. Moreover, social activities increase an individual's self-worth because one can interact with other people who have more serious issues. This study is a systematic review of the qualitative literature on the...
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CHAPTER ONE Historical Origins of Romance Films Romance films have been in existence since the 19th century. The original meaning of romance genre is that the plot centers on the theme of love or love between the main characters as they endure the challenges of love. This aspect of romance films was first explored in the year 1896 when an American short film, 20-second long, referred to as The Mary Irwin Kiss became the most popular film of the time (Sorlin 1980, p.15). The film showed a couple of kisses. The film was recreated from the two well-known stage actors’ performance in the hit Broadway play known as The Widow Jories. At the time, it was considered scandalous to see two people kiss and...
The Novelty of Cinematic Romance The question of whether the novelty of cinematic romance has been lost in the 21st century has raised controversies. As modernity takes over from the traditional society, new things have emerged that suggests that the novelty of the cinematic romance is taking a new turn. Ideally, in the past, cinematic romance exhibited a dominant male who had control over a submissive female (Fausto-Sterling, 2000). In such societies, women were deemed inferior to their male counterparts, and this gave the cinematic romance novelty as roles were clearly defined across the gender lines. Thus, it was possible for the dominant male to use his masculinity to seduce and manipulate a...
Review of literature As Dr. Daniel Hamermeshput it: “Modern society is obsessed with beauty” (Hamermesh, 2011, p. 3).In 2005, the average American husbandspent 32 minutes of his day bathing, dressing, and grooming. Meanwhile, the average American wife spent 44 minutes engaging in these activities on a daily basis.Additionally, no age limit on vanity was found. The average single American woman, age 70 and older, devoted43 minutes daily to these activities(Hamermesh, Frazis&Stewart, 2005). Modern society also spends billions on beauty enhancing products. According to the 2008 Consumer Expenditure Survey, the average American household spent $718 on women’s and girls’ clothing, $427 on...
Name: Professor: Course: Date: Gender in Sense and Sensibility. In gender in sense and sensibility, the main characters are two women, Elinor and Marianne. One of the women represents the spirit, and the other serves to provide an understanding of mind, or rather, sensibility. In the book, the future of the female characters solely depends on the kind of men they marry. In the long run, not all of them can marry an able man, which leaves them on a dilemma to start searching for different ways of earning wealth for themselves. Other women have a controlling power on their husbands. Hence they can obtain what they want from the men. Although men are often the dominant race in society, some...
Name Instructor Course Date Q.2.Gender and Class The discussion on inequality has attracted the sociologists who have worked hard to find out how societal differences contribute to life chances in the society. Gender and class have been among the differences that determine how the society allocates chances and opportunities to its people. Then, this is quite admissible that both gender and class have been at the frontline in determining how the society treats people. Often, members of a certain class and gender have been treated differently regarding income, labor division, role assignment, resource allocation among the opportunities available in the society. The group cannot access services,...