The novelty of cinematic romance
The Novelty of Cinematic Romance
The question of whether the novelty of cinematic romance has been lost in the 21st century has raised controversies. As modernity takes over from the traditional society, new things have emerged that suggests that the novelty of the cinematic romance is taking a new turn. Ideally, in the past, cinematic romance exhibited a dominant male who had control over a submissive female (Fausto-Sterling, 2000). In such societies, women were deemed inferior to their male counterparts, and this gave the cinematic romance novelty as roles were clearly defined across the gender lines. Thus, it was possible for the dominant male to use his masculinity to seduce and manipulate a submissive female. This gave the cinematic romance a lot of glimmers. However, the emergence of the modern society gave rise to an empowered woman. She could dictate her actions away from an influential male. This eroded the novelty of the cinematic romance since it is no longer possible to assume the same position and role of women such as those demonstrated in the past films. The radical changes in motherhood, marriage, employment, and self-image of different societies in the 21st century reveals that the novelty of cinematic romance has been lost since it is no longer possible to build the same connotations of the female characters as was evident in the past.
Drawing inferences from the United States, there are several indications that the novelty of the cinematic romance has declined in the 21st century. Often marriage and sex…
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