Social Activity and Effects on Depression in the Elderly: A Systemized Review of the Lived Experiences of Community-Dwelling Older Adults

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Social Activity and Effects on Depression in the Elderly: A Systemized Review of the Lived Experiences of Community-Dwelling Older Adults

Category: Creative

Subcategory: Dissertation results

Level: University

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Background of Social Activity and Effects on Depression in the Elderly: A Systemized Review of the Lived Experiences of Community-Dwelling Older Adults Studies indicate that cases of depression among the elderly have been on the rise in recent years. Depression is caused by isolation which in turn affects mental health adversely. However, social activity helps address the issue of isolation among the elderly. Social activities such as dancing increase one’s confidence to face problems. Moreover, social activities increase an individual's self-worth because one can interact with other people who have more serious issues. This study is a systematic review of the qualitative literature on the association of social activities and effects of depression in the elderly. The paper also focuses on the type of social activities that help manage depression in the elderly persons. Methods The article, “Effects of creative and social activity on the health and well-being of socially isolated older people: outcomes from a multi-method observational study” used qualitative methods to collect data. It involved focused group discussions, observation, questionnaires and semi-structured individual interviews. The data collected included the age, financial position, long-standing illness and gender of the participants (Greaves and Farbus, 2006 p. 137). The participants included individuals above the age of fifty whose lives might have changed after retirement. Collected data was then analyzed to determine the common problems. The…

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