Methodology and methodThe qualitative method was preferred to quantitative for this systematic review due to the limitation of the data available and the design of the study. Regarding ethics, the study seeks a systematized review on only researched based literature that has made the standard ethical requirement. My sources of the review will be approved by the Institution Review Board to ascertain their ethical content and for ethical approval. Social Activity and Effects on Depression in the Elderly Search strategyI designed search strategy to retrieve data from the original research published in English between 2008 and 2017 on the topic. The main concepts used were social activity and effects...
Health Care Dissertation Examples For Free Download
Background of Social Activity and Effects on Depression in the Elderly: A Systemized Review of the Lived Experiences of Community-Dwelling Older Adults Studies indicate that cases of depression among the elderly have been on the rise in recent years. Depression is caused by isolation which in turn affects mental health adversely. However, social activity helps address the issue of isolation among the elderly. Social activities such as dancing increase one’s confidence to face problems. Moreover, social activities increase an individual's self-worth because one can interact with other people who have more serious issues. This study is a systematic review of the qualitative literature on the...
A Systemized Review of the Lived Experiences of Community-Dwelling Older Adults Background The advancement in medical technologies, as well as public awareness and education, has had many positive effects on the overall physical and psychological health of the society. One of the profound effects of technological advancement and the availability of treatment and management options for previously unpredictable medical conditions is an increase in the lifespan of the population (Borglin et al. 2005 p. 202). Subsequently, unlike historical times, the modern society has a high number of individuals in the category of the elderly thus the need to understand the opportunities and challenges that are...
Community Prevention Program Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Introduction The susceptibility of the U.S. to exotic vector-borne diseases has been on the rise ever since the first reported case of the West-Nile Virus (WNV) in 1999. Technological, environmental, and sociologic factors are primarily responsible for the spread of vector-borne disease in the country and across the globe. These drivers include changing land use, expanded trade and travel, the growth of human populations, climate change, and urbanization (Petersen et al., 2016). The U.S. State of California has recorded increased levels of the WNV, St. Louis encephalitis virus (SLEV), Zika virus, plague activity, among...
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