Social Activity and Effects on Depression in the Elderly

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Social Activity and Effects on Depression in the Elderly

Category: Creative

Subcategory: Design

Level: University

Pages: 3

Words: 825

Methodology and methodThe qualitative method was preferred to quantitative for this systematic review due to the limitation of the data available and the design of the study. Regarding ethics, the study seeks a systematized review on only researched based literature that has made the standard ethical requirement. My sources of the review will be approved by the Institution Review Board to ascertain their ethical content and for ethical approval. Social Activity and Effects on Depression in the Elderly Search strategyI designed search strategy to retrieve data from the original research published in English between 2008 and 2017 on the topic. The main concepts used were social activity and effects of depression. I used the computerized search on electronic databases where subject headings and some specific database Thesaurus terms were applied. These included the AMED, academic search complete, MEDLINE, CINAHL complete; psych INFO, Pub Med, and ASSIA. Three interfaces were used to look for these terms including the Google scholar, EBSCOHost and the Research gate. On the qualitative studies with the required inclusion, criteria were considered in the list of reference. Inclusion criteriaFor inclusion in the reference list, studies were to be eligible based on the population it studied. In this case, it must involve the older adults above 65 years living in the community. Then the participants must be suffering from depression and involved in some social activities. The study needs to address the social activities of the…

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