Week 4: Outline
Step 1: Web Text
I had a clear topic and supporting points for the sections I shared. The topic was based on the examination of the relationship between bullying and suicides among students in schools. The supporting points were the statistics obtained in schools regarding the number of suicides and how many of the cases have been linked to bullying, the link between bullying and depression, and the testimonies of several students about their experiences with bullying. After laying down my main points, I found that need more research to understand the topic. A survey was more preferable because it focused on the experiences of students and how bullying has affected them psychologically.
Further, I included a counter perspective. I made counterarguments that bullying does not result in suicides and tried to find other studies to support it. Indeed, some authors have tried to make this point and have had several arguments to back it up. For example, Mustanski and Liu (439) contend that bullying leads to violence among students as opposed to depression. Most students always want to retaliate, which counter the fact that it directly results in depression and suicide. Lastly, creating an outline is helpful for research. It helps in the organization of your points and makes clear the steps need to complete the study. In other words, it makes work more clear and easy.
Step 2: Review
Credibility is important in any research. For the supporting points to be credible, the author needs to rely on other studies that have focused…
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