A Systemized Review of the Lived Experiences of Community-Dwelling Older Adults
A Systemized Review of the Lived Experiences of Community-Dwelling Older Adults
The advancement in medical technologies, as well as public awareness and education, has had many positive effects on the overall physical and psychological health of the society. One of the profound effects of technological advancement and the availability of treatment and management options for previously unpredictable medical conditions is an increase in the lifespan of the population (Borglin et al. 2005 p. 202). Subsequently, unlike historical times, the modern society has a high number of individuals in the category of the elderly thus the need to understand the opportunities and challenges that are pertinent in this category of the population. The gaps in previous studies have been from the minimal knowledge available because of the relatively small elderly population (Borglin et al. 2005 p. 202). However, as the elderly population is increasing, so is the need for the society to understand their position towards the implementation of policies that will incorporate the segment of the population as productive members of the society.
The study focused on secondary data collection with a review of the literature that is available on the subject. The sources of information were, therefore, the library and internet material that contained offline and online publication respectively in the perspective of different researchers. Most literature in the analysis of the elderly population focuses on the challenges that the…
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