The Novelty of Cinematic Romance has been Lost in the 21st Century Overview Romance is the feeling, excitement or obsession connected to love towards a person, object or place. In films, romance is portrayed as loves stories showing the obsession, feeling or excitement between characters. Romance film or movies are love stories that emphasize emotion, passion and affectionate relationship between main characters (Gehring 1986, p.31). In most cases, these romantic stories represent a journey of genuinely true, strong and pure romantic love that end up in the marriage of courtship. In other words, the main plot of romantic films is love, and the theme is always evident in the way characters treat each...
Film & Theater studies Dissertation Examples For Free Download
CHAPTER ONE Historical Origins of Romance Films Romance films have been in existence since the 19th century. The original meaning of romance genre is that the plot centers on the theme of love or love between the main characters as they endure the challenges of love. This aspect of romance films was first explored in the year 1896 when an American short film, 20-second long, referred to as The Mary Irwin Kiss became the most popular film of the time (Sorlin 1980, p.15). The film showed a couple of kisses. The film was recreated from the two well-known stage actors’ performance in the hit Broadway play known as The Widow Jories. At the time, it was considered scandalous to see two people kiss and...
The Novelty of Cinematic Romance The question of whether the novelty of cinematic romance has been lost in the 21st century has raised controversies. As modernity takes over from the traditional society, new things have emerged that suggests that the novelty of the cinematic romance is taking a new turn. Ideally, in the past, cinematic romance exhibited a dominant male who had control over a submissive female (Fausto-Sterling, 2000). In such societies, women were deemed inferior to their male counterparts, and this gave the cinematic romance novelty as roles were clearly defined across the gender lines. Thus, it was possible for the dominant male to use his masculinity to seduce and manipulate a...
FILM AND THEATRE: THE NOVELTY OF ROMANTIC MOVIES IN THE 21ST CENTURY Change in Romance presentation in Films in the 21st Century The subject of Romance in films has changed over the years. The “Romeo and Juliet” stories were the definition of films in previous centuries. People wanted to see romance in films (motion pictures at that time). However, there has been a difference in how films are being portrayed. Directors have opted to change the main themes in their films, and one of these changes is on the reduction of romance in films. This is an area worth considering especially with the possibility of the culture of romance which appears to lack space in the list charts of the modern-day...
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