Film and Theatre: Is the novelty of cinematic romance lost in the 21st century?
Change in Romance presentation in Films in the 21st Century
The subject of Romance in films has changed over the years. The “Romeo and Juliet” stories were the definition of films in previous centuries. People wanted to see romance in films (motion pictures at that time). However, there has been a difference in how films are being portrayed. Directors have opted to change the main themes in their films, and one of these changes is on the reduction of romance in films. This is an area worth considering especially with the possibility of the culture of romance which appears to lack space in the list charts of the modern-day moviegoers. Many reasons have created these trends and one of the modes in which films are being presented today. The chapter of the paper considers the possibilities of the romance culture being lost in the film and the possible reasons why this is being lost.
The Novelty of Romance in the 21st Century in Films
Understanding the change in film presentation as far as the theme of romance is of concern, there is a need to look a need of looking at how this theme was presented in the previous periods before the 21st century. Upon the discovery of film through motion pictures, the romance was the main theme that was presented, and this could heavily be due to the limitation of the theme (Litman and Kohl, 1989, p. 43). It was also because this invention was very amazing and pleasing to the audience. As a result, therefore, was a need for…
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