The rise of Artificial Intelligence in Hospitality industry and its effects on customer satisfaction.

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The rise of Artificial Intelligence in Hospitality industry and its effects on customer satisfaction.

Category: Business

Subcategory: Computer science

Level: University

Pages: 4

Words: 2200

The Rise of Artificial Intelligence in Hospitality Industry and Its Effects on Customer Satisfaction Student’s Name Institution Table of Contents TOC o "1-3" h z u 1.0 Introduction31.1 Research Purpose PAGEREF _Toc515786609 h 31.2 Research questions32.0 LITERATURE REVIEW42.1 The history of artificial intelligence42.1.1 What is artificial intelligence (AI)42.1.2 The evolution of artificial intelligence4 2.2 The need for artificial intelligence in the hospitality industry…………………………5 2.3 AI in the hospitality the millennial era compared to other generations………………….5 3.0 METHODOLOGY63.1 Research philosophy6 3.2 Data used…………………………………………………………………………………..6 3.3 Primary data collection techniques73.3 Data analysis74.0 Conclusion7 4.1 Limitations………………………………………………………………………………….9 Introduction In the millennial era, the use of high-end technology in various aspects of life has become a common phenomenon that has been embraced and adopted by almost every industrial sector in the world's economy. In particular, the application of Artificial intelligence in various industrial and service delivery sectors has become a forthcoming issue in today's world. The agricultural sector, healthcare, military, business, education, and transportation sectors have all experienced tremendous growth and development in the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in these…

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