The vigilance of competent ecclesiastical authority toward ecclesial movements

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The vigilance of competent ecclesiastical authority toward ecclesial movements

Category: Business

Subcategory: Communication

Level: PhD

Pages: 27

Words: 14850

The Vigilance of Competent Ecclesiastical Authority toward Ecclesial Movements Chapter I: The vigilance of competent ecclesiastical authority toward associations of the faithful through the ages Abstract The first chapter examines the development of ecclesiastical vigilance toward associations of the faithful in their Church life. The purpose of this undertaking is to surgically lay the groundwork for how vigilance as exercised by effective and competent ecclesiastical authority has been juridically relevant through the ages. First, the chapter deals with developments up to 1917, beginning with the earliest appearance of ecclesiastical vigilance over associations, known historically as societies, then proceeding to its treatment in the first acts of universal legislation on associations in 1604, and concluding with an examination of vigilance as it came to be regulated in the 1917 Code. It examines canons that describe associations and distinguish their types (c.685; 700; 702; 707; 708) and gives special attention to those that specifically concern vigilance (cc.684; 690; 691; 1503; 1515). Then, the chapter traces the development of the function of vigilance throughout the process of Vatican II. Examining the ante-preparatory, preparatory and promulgated documents of Vatican II, it demonstrates how the function of vigilance was eventually broadened in scope and was seen as a right and duty of the competent ecclesiastical authority. The chapter concludes with a look at how the Magisterium after Vatican II treats the…

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