Wine Marketing

Wine Marketing 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Wine Events and Shows Events and shows are important strategies of marketing products in specific target markets. Research in this field has realized a significant growth in the recent past given the fact these marketing strategies influence the growth of the economy. Businesses use events and shows as a means of regeneration and economic development not only to raise market awareness but also for reposition or position destination. This tool of marketing a brand allows entrepreneurs to get insight into consumer behavior, buying trends, and competitors’ way of doing business (Huang, 2011). These occasions also facilitate interactions between businesses...

Emotional Marketing and Consumer Purchasing Decisions: A Case Study of Apple

Introduction Organizations engage in marketing to promote their products and attract large markets. A company that fails to conduct enough marketing does not live to the expectations of its owners. In the United States, marketing strategies continue to change each day due to changes in the society. The marketing mechanisms that made ancient companies great might not be applicable in today's scenario. In Marketing, communication with the targeted population holds the key to convince people about the product. Emotional branding enables marketers to build brands that appeal to customers through triggering emotional aspirations, state, and needs. Over time, the marketing strategy leads to an emotional...

Factors Affecting Retail Price Promotional Strategy

An Investigation into Factors Affecting Retail Price Promotional Strategy: A Case Study of Pick and Pay Retail Shop in Lesotho Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation 4.3 Chapter 3 – Methodology 4.3.1 Introduction The value of a study diminishes when some of the significant aspects are overlooked during the research process. Consequently, it is essential to conduct a comprehensive research based on definitions and explications of the management approach utilized for a project. Thus, this chapter describes the different components and their significance in the adaptation of a specific methodological approach. Essentially, the research process utilized project lifecycle phases in ensuring...

The Gap between Marketing Expertise and the Sophisticated Consumer: in search of New Meanings

The study indicates that the old marketing prowess is an outdated approach and needs to be redefined. It will look into how complex the customer base is today and hence how challenging it has become for brands to remain relevant and how remaining connected to consumers is out of reach for many brands. The literature will highlight that there several attempts to develop tools to measure how emotional connection can be re-established. However, the subject remains undeveloped and requires a further understanding of the subject matter. This research offers an encircling framework that was developed through extensive secondary research and supported by findings of the primary research. The research will...

Effectiveness of Customer Loyalty

Hypotheses Ho – Improvements in customer service have no impact on the reputation, credibility, and overall functionality of the Lin Tai Fung restaurant. This means that improvements in customer service will not boost the effectiveness and the performance of the Ling Tai Fung restaurant. H1 – The positive hypothesis is that customer service has a fundamental impact on the performance and the effectiveness of the restaurant. This means the restaurant should invest in customer service towards the realization of better performance and improved productivity. Discussion of Survey Findings and Conclusion Customer service in the food and beverage industry centers on creating an appropriate...

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An investigation into factors affecting retail price promotional strategy

AN INVESTIGATION INTO THE FACTORS AFFECTING RETAIL PRICE PROMOTIONAL STRATEGY: A CASE STUDY OF PICK AND PAY RETAIL SHOP IN LESOTHO by (Name) Course Tutor University City Date Contents TOC o "1-3" h z u CHAPTER ONE PAGEREF _Toc515970104 h 41.0 INTRODUCTION PAGEREF _Toc515970105 h 42. Research Context: Background PAGEREF _Toc515970106 h 53. Research Problem PAGEREF _Toc515970107 h 64. Aims of the Study PAGEREF _Toc515970108 h 65. Research Objectives PAGEREF _Toc515970109 h 76. Research Questions PAGEREF _Toc515970110 h 87. The Significance of the Study PAGEREF _Toc515970111 h 8CHAPTER TWO PAGEREF _Toc515970112 h 108. LITERATURE REVIEW PAGEREF _Toc515970113 h 108.2 Price Promotional...