Effectiveness of Customer Loyalty
Ho – Improvements in customer service have no impact on the reputation, credibility, and overall functionality of the Lin Tai Fung restaurant. This means that improvements in customer service will not boost the effectiveness and the performance of the Ling Tai Fung restaurant.
H1 – The positive hypothesis is that customer service has a fundamental impact on the performance and the effectiveness of the restaurant. This means the restaurant should invest in customer service towards the realization of better performance and improved productivity.
Discussion of Survey Findings and Conclusion
Customer service in the food and beverage industry centers on creating an appropriate consumer experience. The hospitality industry remains among the most volatile and dynamic platforms (Harvard Business Review, 2011, 3). The research objectives and goals are defined as; to identify what customers deem as quality, to establish ways through which customer loyalty can be enhanced, to identify the key primary indicators for loyalty, and to determine ways to improve the Singapore restaurant industry can be improved. The effectiveness of customer loyalty is identified as; attracting financial and economic success, strengthening brand identity and positioning, and enabling the firm to survive tough financial times. Most importantly for loyalty is the ability to set a restaurant away from the competition particularly in a contested industry like the food and beverage sector. Customer loyalty is influenced by a strong brand…
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