An investigation into factors affecting retail price promotional strategy

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An investigation into factors affecting retail price promotional strategy

Category: Advertising

Subcategory: Business

Level: Masters

Pages: 21

Words: 5775

AN INVESTIGATION INTO THE FACTORS AFFECTING RETAIL PRICE PROMOTIONAL STRATEGY: A CASE STUDY OF PICK AND PAY RETAIL SHOP IN LESOTHO by (Name) Course Tutor University City Date Contents TOC o "1-3" h z u CHAPTER ONE PAGEREF _Toc515970104 h 41.0 INTRODUCTION PAGEREF _Toc515970105 h 42. Research Context: Background PAGEREF _Toc515970106 h 53. Research Problem PAGEREF _Toc515970107 h 64. Aims of the Study PAGEREF _Toc515970108 h 65. Research Objectives PAGEREF _Toc515970109 h 76. Research Questions PAGEREF _Toc515970110 h 87. The Significance of the Study PAGEREF _Toc515970111 h 8CHAPTER TWO PAGEREF _Toc515970112 h 108. LITERATURE REVIEW PAGEREF _Toc515970113 h 108.2 Price Promotional Strategies and Preferences PAGEREF _Toc515970114 h 128.3 The Effects of Retail Price Promotional Strategies PAGEREF _Toc515970115 h 158.4 Apparent Gaps in Literature and Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc515970116 h 179.0 RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY PAGEREF _Toc515970117 h 209.1 Rationale for Methodology PAGEREF _Toc515970118 h 209.2 Research Philosophy PAGEREF _Toc515970119 h 209.3 Research Design PAGEREF _Toc515970120 h 219.4 Research Approach PAGEREF _Toc515970121 h 229.5 Sampling Strategy PAGEREF _Toc515970122 h 239.5.1 Types of Sampling PAGEREF _Toc515970123 h Probability Sampling PAGEREF _Toc515970124 h Non-Probability Sampling PAGEREF _Toc515970125 h Types of Sampling to Apply for the Study PAGEREF _Toc515970126 h 249.6 Target Population PAGEREF _Toc515970127 h 259.7 Sample Size PAGEREF _Toc515970128 h…

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