Factors Affecting Retail Price Promotional Strategy
An Investigation into Factors Affecting Retail Price Promotional Strategy: A Case Study of Pick and Pay Retail Shop in Lesotho
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4.3 Chapter 3 – Methodology
4.3.1 Introduction
The value of a study diminishes when some of the significant aspects are overlooked during the research process. Consequently, it is essential to conduct a comprehensive research based on definitions and explications of the management approach utilized for a project. Thus, this chapter describes the different components and their significance in the adaptation of a specific methodological approach. Essentially, the research process utilized project lifecycle phases in ensuring that there were the important details in every stage are subject to careful thought and comprehensive conceptualizations up to the final phases that determine successful accomplishment.
4.3.2 The Research Design
The research design was the collective strategy selected for integration into the dissimilar modules of the research using a practical and rational approach (Marshall & Rossman, 2018: 29). It ensured effective addressing of the research problem through the utilization of a blueprint that covers the gathering, measurement, and scrutiny of the information. The exploratory research is applied for this research as it focuses on acquiring insights and understanding for further scrutiny of the research subject. The reason behind its utilization is its persistence in being thorough and eliminating apparent barriers to the…
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