What is the future of travel technology in the Middle East? How will the travel industry adapt and implement emerging technologies?

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What is the future of travel technology in the Middle East? How will the travel industry adapt and implement emerging technologies?

Category: Agriculture

Subcategory: Branding

Level: Masters

Pages: 50

Words: 13750

The travel industry in the Middle East has experienced tremendous growth in the recent decade. The growths experienced are attributed to the development of the technological innovations and inventions. Reviews of the study indicate that the Middle East is considered as one of the hubs of the tourism sector with visitors having a higher propensity to spend. The analysis illuminates that a significant part of the development is a by-product of the infusion of new technologies including artificial intelligence, virtual realities, and social media platforms amongst others. Given the growth of the internet and its roles in enhancing businesses, the Middle East has been a significant frontier in ensuring technologies bound to benefit the sector are incorporated into its model. The paper reveals that with adequate investments and a focus into the technologies of the industry, more functions would be automated while attention that is more significant will be given in enhancing the customer experience. The research study also looks into the possible ways in which the technological innovations consumed in the travel industry by the companies in the Middle East is comparable to other industries and businesses. The research takes a quantitative approach and collected secondary data for analysis. The data is then presented in tables, charts, and graphs for stakeholder analysis and drawing of conclusions. Recommendations are also given at the end of the study it helps in faster decision making from the study outcome. What is the future…

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