Trends in Data-Driven Law Enforcement Law enforcement continues to undergo evolution each wake. Technological advancements demand that policing is always up to the current societal standards. New technological gadgets are always expensive when they get introduced to the market. Law enforcement agencies have to spend considerable sums each time there is a new gadget in the market (Cox, Marchionna & Fitch, 2015). Given the nature of the technological world, law enforcement has become an expensive affair; this is made worse by the shrinking budget that police agencies have to work with. In light of the expenses and the dynamics involved in law enforcement, policing has taken a data-driven...
Criminology Dissertation Examples For Free Download
The Risk-Need-Responsivity (RNR) model is a mechanism employed by federal supervision system in the US and other nations such as Canada to supervise offenders with the aim of minimizing recidivism and possibly protecting the community from the risks posed by offenders (Sing et al., 2018). The RNR model is applied in risk assessment activities as it can establish the probability of an offender repeating a crime and also in identifying some criminogenic factors, which, if altered, can minimize the possibilities of recidivism (Singh et al., 2018). RNR Model and Recidivism The National Institute of Justice (2018), defines recidivism as relapsing to criminal activities and often occurs after one is...
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