The chapter elaborates on the findings of the interview on the various police officers on the impact of globalisation on policing on illegal immigration. The interview reveals the challenges of enforcement officers in the United Kingdom (UK) face in policing over illegal immigration. The chapter elaborates on the factors influencing poor policing, discusses the challenges of policing illegal immigration, and provides critical discussions and solutions to rein on the problem. Challenges Facing Policing of Illegal Immigrants in the UK 5.2 Qualifying Factors The research found out that the number of illegal immigrants has increased in the last 30 years. The surge in illegal immigrants began after the...
Cybersecurity Dissertation Examples For Free Download
Abstract The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) continues to struggle with retaining the top cyber workforce talent necessary to maintain a sustainable and ready force to conduct strategic cyber operations. This has been brought about by the fierce competition emerging from the private sector. The effort of the DoD to retain its cyber workforce is challenged by the low salary and benefits as compared to the higher wages and benefits provided by the private sector for cyber professionals. This has created a crisis in DoD, necessitating the organization to take innovative action and implement strategies to improve its efforts to retain top cyber talent. One of the suggested strategies includes...
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