Zainichi Korean in Japan
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Zainichi Korean in Japan
Speculations about the nature and origins of the people of Japan debates over their identity, their self-image construction, and their nation have been recurrent on the Japanese political and intellectual life over the decades. Recently, a literature genre commonly referred to as Nihonjinron has been used over the years to highlight these speculations. The western scholars have critically been scrutinizing this genre. To get an understanding of its context and to analyze what it says about the people of Japan, the scholars have focused on the nature of theories constructed, their self-imagery and concepts of identity. The Nihonjinron seeks to provide an account of the characteristics of the society in Japan, national character, Japanese society, and domestic identity.
The Nihonjinron of Japan is that it is a unique country that never changes. The Japanese society considers themselves as one of the most homogeneous communities in the world. They justify this by citing a very low percentage of foreigners. The central Nihonjinron premise of Japan as being an ethnically homogeneous society that makes up a racially unified nation has been the key source of discrimination against the minority groups. A lot of literature has been documented on discrimination against the minority groups in the country. The experiences of the ethnic Koreans in Japan have drawn a lot of attention from the perspective of minority group discrimination.…
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