An Exploration of the impact of a ketogenic diet on seizure reduction with people with Learning Disabilities and Epilepsy.
Ketogenic Diet and Seizure Reduction in People with Disabilities and Epilepsy
A ketogenic diet comprises of adequate protein, high fat, and low carbohydrate levels. In medicine, a ketogenic diet is used for the treatment of refractory epilepsy. On adopting the diet, one’s body is forced to burn fats instead of carbohydrates. In cases where there are little carbohydrates in the body, then the liver has to convert the present fat into fatty acids and ketone bodies. On being created, the ketone bodies are passed into the brain where they replace glucose as the source of energy. As a result, there are elevated levels of ketone bodies in the blood; a state referred to as ketosis. According to Ijff et al. (2016, 154), Ketosis, results in a reduced frequency of seizures in epileptic children. Also, the article reported ketosis to have a positive impact on the children’s cognitive functioning. Kang et al., (2007, 83) also stated that ketogenic diet could be used for treating epilepsy as well as mitochondrial respiratory chain complex defects.
Critical Review of the Literature
The claim that a ketogenic is effective in treating epilepsy can be supported by a wide range of sources. In Rho (2017, 7) for instance, the author seeks to establish the ways in which a ketogenic diet successfully induces anti-seizure effects. Engaging in a study to establish how a ketogenic diet reduces seizures implies that the diet does function to…
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