Development of Low fat fried fish by using a protein based edible coatin

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Development of Low fat fried fish by using a protein based edible coatin

Category: Agriculture

Subcategory: Biochemistry

Level: Masters

Pages: 2

Words: 550

CHAPTER 2 Literature Review2.1. Fried Food Consumption and Average Intake of Dietary Fat In the past three decades, obesity or being overweight has been cited as a growing public health concern, primarily due to its prevalence among younger people. Among the various factors that contribute to the health problem attributing to obesity, a persistent dietary pattern that influences the increasing epidemic and shifts away from healthier options is the consumption of fried foods. When people fry their food in oil, the food absorbs the oil while losing water as lipids are exchanged with the frying oil. The amount of oil being absorbed would depend on the type of food and the conditions for frying. Additionally, fried food undergoes pyrolytical decomposition in its surface layers, leading to the formation of heterocyclic amines. Lastly, once the fried food absorbed the oil, degradation products like polymers and polar compounds from the cooking oil is formed, the food is believed to cause cancer, endothelial dysfunction, and hypertension (Cahill et al., 2014; Guallar-Castillon et al., 2007). Dietary fats are important because they affect taste perception and are applicable in numerous food technology processes. Drawing from a nutritional perspective, dietary fats are significant for various health-related aspects and the best possible functioning of the body. First, dietary fats are great sources of energy and serve as the structural building blocks of the body that transport fat-soluble vitamins, included in important…

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