Discuss the evolution of the treatment experience by minority group members and women i law enforcement fair and Impartial?
Law Enforcement
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Law Enforcement
The evolution of the treatment which is experienced by the minority groups can be explained by looking at the strategic choices made by the law enforcement officers. These are the people who develop the law enforcement ideology under which law enforcement is seen as socially empowered forces and attitude including the history of racism and gender discrimination (Dempsey, & Forst, 2013). The views of the people are also shaped by how enforcement institutions deal with the women and minority groups and how those dealings have affected the law enforcement officers during different eras. It is believed that improvement has occurred over the years and further developments are possible in the future although not guaranteed.
The law enforcement terrain supported slavery, discrimination, and segregation for the better part of the American history. This is the terrain under which the orders the police were supposed to follow were anchored (Davis, 2017). Consequently, the police behavior was informed by the foundation especially concerning the way they dealt with the minority groups and women a practice which has continued up to date. The pattern of police behavior includes the belief that the minority groups and women had fewer civil rights, the law enforcement officers were supposed to keep them under full control and that they did not have a duty to protect them in their communities.
The existence of poor pattern of behavior and attitude among the law…
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