Abstract For a long time, substance abuse research studies focused on obtaining and evaluating quantitative data. It stayed that way until scholars realized that drug abuse experiences subjective and personal enough to warrant study. For more than three decades now, steps have been made to incorporate qualitative collection and analysis tools into substance abuse research for mixed methods approaches and to conduct purely thematic and qualitative investigations into the field. A review of existing literature reveals the flexible nature of the available methodologies, how researchers can doctor them to fit into specific contexts, and the new approaches scholars are experimenting with to simplify the...
Film studies Dissertation Examples For Free Download
Drug and Drug Users In partial fulfillment of this Master’s program, I intend to research on drugs and drug users for my dissertation. With the circulation of psychoactive drugs such as heroin or cocaine and alcohol coupled with tobacco, it is clear that it is past time we as human beings did something to stop this issue. Krusi et al. (2010) opine that drugs are slowly becoming more affordable and children are getting more exposed to the vice. Therefore, this topic runs to the core of society and is very close to my heart because of the role of my predecessors in creative writing and film arts. To some extent, films encourage people to use drugs. In particular, by portraying drugs as something that...
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