Review of Methodologies Used in Drug And Drug Users Research
For a long time, substance abuse research studies focused on obtaining and evaluating quantitative data. It stayed that way until scholars realized that drug abuse experiences subjective and personal enough to warrant study. For more than three decades now, steps have been made to incorporate qualitative collection and analysis tools into substance abuse research for mixed methods approaches and to conduct purely thematic and qualitative investigations into the field. A review of existing literature reveals the flexible nature of the available methodologies, how researchers can doctor them to fit into specific contexts, and the new approaches scholars are experimenting with to simplify the processes and improve the validity and reliability of collected results. The style that appears to offer the greatest flexibility for adaptability is the mixed methods approach which combines qualitative and quantitative tools for data collection or information analysis, or both. The recommendation is that the upcoming study should take advantage of the opportunities for customization offered by the approach and use it for gathering and evaluating data.
Keywords: Qualitative, Quantitative, Mixed Methods, Methodology, and Semi-Structured Interviews, research, and drug abuse
Review of Methodologies Used in Drug And Drug Users Research
The rate of drug abuse is rising while the age of first use decreases among the youth despite the fact that the efforts society makes to lower the number of people adopting the habit and increase…
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