DQ3 Public Speaking
Public Speaking
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Understanding in Presentation Aids
Human communication is a very complex process which requires a comprehensive strategy to deliver in order to lessen misunderstandings (Garcia-Retamero & Galesic, 2010). Even though it is true that impressive visual presentations won’t rescue a poor speech, it is crucial to understand that a good speech will be understood better if it is combined with the application of strategic presentation aids. Presentation aids help the audience to understand the information conveyed better by the speaker enhancing the memory and retention of the audience. Moreover, the presentation aids will aid in improving the credibility of the speaker while adding variety and interest to the delivered speech hence resulting in a better understanding of the audience.
It is crucial to know that misunderstandings normally occur in public speak as they do in everyday conversations. One of the major goals of a speaker is to help the audience to understand the message delivered. To minimize the occurrences of misunderstanding, presentation aids are applied for either clarification or emphasis purposes. Presentation aids are applied to define particular technical terms and display images which involve the theme to make it simpler for the audience to easily understand. On the other hand, the will highlight the new points requiring emphasis with appropriate phrases or images and will enable the speaker to indicate the sequence through links the points to express…
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