Ethics and Integrity in Law Enforcement
Ethics and Integrity in Law Enforcement
Ethics and Integrity in Law Enforcement
The code of ethics for the police refers to the guidelines that officers use to serve the citizens without discrimination, segregation, or seclusion. The evolution of the police code of conduct in the United States includes the changes from the traditional service that disregarded the rights of suspects. The levels of police discrimination, brutality, corruption, and other ethical violations continue to decline due to the practices and policies that seek to train officers on ethical requirements. The present law enforcement profession is built on the levels of ethics and morals. Understanding and implementing fitting standards are vital components in the success of individuals in the police and other enforcement agencies. The European Union has used historical rules and regulations that guide the ethics of police work and public order (Pollack, 2000).
Ethical decision-making is a significant element in developing a workforce that satisfies the population through observance of human and civil rights during arrests and incarceration (Cox, Marchonna, and Fitch, 2013). Therefore, law enforcement managers should engage officers in training of ethical choices while encouraging the individual development of personal and interpersonal skills that help in relations with the public. The codes of ethics for most United States law enforcement agencies are similar due to the umbrella policies that govern them. The Rio Grande…
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