Literature Review- communicative language teaching method

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Literature Review- communicative language teaching method

Category: Communication

Subcategory: Dissertation literature review

Level: PhD

Pages: 3

Words: 825

Second Theme: Teachers Perception towards Communicative Language Teaching Student’s name Institution Second Theme: Teachers Perception towards Communicative Language Teaching Studies have revealed that different teachers exhibit positive and negative perceptions or attitudes towards the application of “communicative language learning” (CLT) in teaching linguistics. One of positive attitudes or perceptions depicted by teachers towards CLT is that the strategy improves the meaningfulness of teaching English (Mondale, 2012). This statement means that the levels of satisfaction among teachers using CLT to teach English increases. A recent study determined that teachers disregard the traditional strategies of teaching English, which demands that students memorize the grammatical rules (Mondale, 2012). CLT helps learners to comprehend language forms and apply the rules in communicating (Rahimi & Naderi, 2014). Teachers believe that communication is an essential way for students to practice linguistic rules in meaningful manners. With such a strong perception of the benefits of CLT, teachers employ the technique regularly in their classes. Teachers also believe that the “communicative language teaching” (CLT) strategy encourages group work learning of a language, which provides a sufficient platform for communication and practicing of linguistic rules. The procedure offers learners with unlimited opportunities to converse in the targeted language (Farooq, 2015). The technique encourages student-student and…

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