Manifestations of Asthma
Manifestations of Asthma
Asthma refers to a situation in which individual airways swell and narrow producing excess of mucus. It is characterized by a general breathing problem that often causes breath shortness, coughing and wheezing. To some individuals, this disorder is a challenge while to others it’s a minor nuisance. This text starts by describing the general clinical and pathophysiology manifestation of the disorder giving the difference between early and late-stage reaction. Since it is difficult to provide a complete cure for asthma, the text highlights its common signs and symptoms, general triggers and risk factors associated with it. This is significant as it helps one to determine a proper adjustment to be made on treatment as well as avoiding the common triggers that might cause it. Some of the triggers are genetic while others relate to environmental conditions that surround an individual. Also, we get to know how the stated triggers and risk factors affect one’s respiratory system leading to asthma.
Asthma refers to an ordinary disorder relating to airways that are intricate and mostly characterized by recurring and variable signs, impediment of airflow and basic inflammation. These interactions influence the severity and clinical manifestation of the said disorder (Kim, et al., 2013). Therefore, considering the pathophysiology as well as the clinical manifestation of this disorder, there are three major factors involved; underlying inflammation,…
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