Self-directed Learning Readiness among Nurses in Teaching and Non-Teaching Hospitals

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Self-directed Learning Readiness among Nurses in Teaching and Non-Teaching Hospitals

Category: Communication

Subcategory: Culture

Level: Masters

Pages: 4

Words: 2200

Self-directed Learning Readiness among Nurses in Teaching and Non-Teaching Hospitals CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTIONThe ability to demonstrate self-directed learning amongst nurses is perceived as an essential element of professional practice amongst them. Self-directed Learning (SDL) plays a key role in enabling nurses to continue updating and advancing their knowledge throughout their professional career. Nursing education and practice have currently been changing, and there is a need keep pace and continue supporting the nurses in the areas of critical thinking, creativity, and the problem-solving. The increase in the complexity of the obligations and the roles in the health care sector require the nursing professionals to have the capabilities of the self-directed learning and critical thinking as they do perform their duties (Edwards, Hanson & Raggatt, 2013). The problem-based learning approach is being promoted to facilitate the self-directed learning among the nurses as well as giving them the abilities to have critical thinking skills whenever faced with issues in the course of their duty. Self-directed learning is an important element to allow nurses cope with the demands of the hospital experience. Kar, Premarajan, Ramalingam, Iswarya, Sujiv and Subitha (2014) define SDL as the process by which individuals decide what they should learn. Subsequently, assessing the readiness of a learner for SDL implores the extent to which a person possesses the abilities and positive attitude to pursue the process. Its…

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