Sternberg’s theories and corresponding studies

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Sternberg’s theories and corresponding studies

Category: Creative

Subcategory: Dissertation literature review

Level: PhD

Pages: 8

Words: 2200

Theory of Successful Intelligence Sternberg’s Triarchic Theory (Sternberg, 1997), hypothesizes that for intelligence to be considered comprehensive, there has to be an interplay and balance between the three classifications of intelligence, namely, analytical, creative and practical abilities. Originally conceptualized as the Successful Intelligence theory, the three-fold view of intelligence as it is also referred, necessitates that one must acknowledge their strengths and learn to utilize them in such a way they eclipse their weaknesses. This should all be achieved while navigating through an unfamiliar environment and eventually settling in effortlessly. However, Sternberg (2018) most recently integrated the wisdom component of his WICS model into the Triachic Theory. The assimilation was based on the premise that; it is only with the capability of setting goals beyond oneself, with the common good of others considered, over time, that successful intelligence can be achieved. Creativity is envisioned in the ability to create new ideas and products so that an individual with high creative abilities can embrace an unfamiliar, novel situation. Analytical abilities encompass the aptitude to select the most viable solution through analyzing, comparing and contrasting, and synthesizing new ideas. Practical abilities are demonstrated by the capacity to adapt solutions to everyday challenges and hence the capability to persuade others that the new ideas are practicable. A person who demonstrates wisdom will accept new ideas…

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