The people of Kerala and Water Issue
The people of Kerala are a perfect source of information to facilitate the identification of the water shortage incidence in the area. The people can also provide adequate as well as accurate information related to the incidence of water shortage across the area. In so doing, the people can facilitate the generation of effective research findings, solutions, and recommendations to address the water shortage problem in the area. To complete the data collection process, the people were approached through an NGO active in the efforts to improve water accessibility for the residents of Kerala. Since the NGO has a notable level familiarity with the people and their challenges, it was used to help in the identification of research participants. The NGO’s guidance was utilized to make sure that all categories of residents were considered regardless of economic ability, literacy, or location from water points. Data was collected using open-ended questions that allowed respondents to detail any concerns and insights related to the water problem in Kerala. A thematic analysis approach will be utilized to analyze the collected data.
Keywords: kelala, water, accessibility, shortage, data.
Kerala Contaminated Water Issue
To access the people of Kerala, the NGO that was currently involved in the efforts to enable the people to access clean water was used. The NGO was mainly used to identify the people that were registered to their program. Also, the NGO facilitated the classification of participants to make sure that the data…
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