The plight of african americans in the early 1990s
The Plight of African-Americans in the Early 1900s
The African-American civil movements are among the most prolific events in the country. William Edward Burghardt Du Boi in his poem The Song of the Smoke advocates for social justice and unification of Americans’ irrespective of racial and cultural backgrounds. Strangely enough, he does this by figuratively describing the plight of the Black community before and even after the Civil War. The poem is highly symbolic and takes a considerable effort to underline the central themeCITATION Wil07 p 1-5 l 1033 (Dubois 1-5). The poet does this to avoid legal repercussions associated with activism and to invoke a sense of moral accountability among readers. Du Bois was a privileged young Black man who studies at both Fisk and Harvard Universities. As a result, he wanted to use academic skills to fight for the rights of the minorities in America. He wrote the poem in the backdrop of the emancipation era in 1907. The public, at that time, strived to limit racially divisive language and policies. The contents of the poem iterate the information from his earlier publications; these would include “The Suppression of the African Slave Trade, The Philadelphia Negro, and The Souls of Black Folk”CITATION Hol00 p n.p l 1033 (Holt n.p). This article proposes a new and refreshing take of activism in the academic field. The poem elaborates the struggle for civil rights among Black people in the early twentieth century.
Dubois focuses his work on…
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