Why and How “Story of an Hour” Connects with the Theme of Love

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Why and How “Story of an Hour” Connects with the Theme of Love

Category: Composition

Subcategory: Dissertation discussion

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

‘Story of an Hour’ Why and How “Story of an Hour” Connects with the Theme of Love The theme that being discussed in this story is the theme of love. It is about the woman known as Louise Mallard who is experiencing a significant emotional transformation following the death of her husband. Although she is expected to grieve due to the loss of her husband, she feels like she has been relieved from long-life suffering and frustrations which she had been subjected to. Although she had been in love, she did not have freedom. It led to the unending miseries that she had been going through. After her husband dies, she loses the love of her life but gains freedom (Chopin and Gemma 4). She realizes that freedom is way much better as compared to love. In other words, after her new experience, she would rather have freedom and lack of love than have love without freedom. In the story, Chopin suggests that it is normal to have challenges such as oppression in nearly all marriages. Although she was being oppressed, Mallard admits that Brently- her husband was very loving and kind. “And yet she had loved him—sometimes. Often she had not. What did it matter! What could love, the mystery, count for in the face of this possession of self-assertion which she suddenly recognized as the strongest impulse of her being” (Chopin and Gemma 5). It means that Mallard loved her husband, but at times, the love did not matter due to the oppression. She, however, stayed there hence making it hard to understand what real love is- that…

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