change management
Change Management: A Case Study of Company X
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ABSTRACTChange management is one of the most critical processes that an organization must undertake when a particular change in the typical day to day operations of the company has taken place. It a systematic process of dealing with the transformation and transition of the organization’s technologies, goals, and processes. It, therefore, has the primary purpose of implementing strategies to effect change, control it, and aid the employees or the workforce adapt to the newly created situation. Some employees might react negatively while some might react positively. Change management is thus inclined towards making the change more of a success than a failure. This particular study will involve the study of the change management process in company X. Company X had undergone critical changes in its structure and functioning and thus had to employ change management processes to initiate the process of change. This study will delve into the analysis of the effects of change management in the company and how the workforce has responded to the changes. In particular, it will encompass the use of interviews and questionnaires to get feedback from the employees quantitatively and qualitatively that is to be analyzed for the outcome that the change management process had on them. This study will also obtain the significant challenges…
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